Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Downsizing My Closet

Lets get this out of the way early, I love clothes. Actually, I love style. Mine is always evolving and its both fun and a challenge. But I can never seem to recycle out the "old me" clothes. I never thought I could part with some of my beloved clothes, but recently I've been tossing things out of my closet left and right. My main New Year Resolution is to downsize my closet. Now, I go through my clothes about two or three times per year and take about two garbage bags full of clothes to the Goodwill or Salvation Army each time and after every purge, it never looks like I even made a dent.(See: lots of clothes)

 I recently found an old blog called Un-Fancy.com that suggests that a minimalist wardrobe can actually make you a more creative, relaxed person, with more money in your pocket to spend on say, an experience, rather than an outfit. And it can be cute and functional and classic. I realized I needed to toss anything that I havent worn in years or havent worn more than 5 times this past year. Turns out, its most of my closet. See, I have my favorites that I go to all the time because they make me feel good and because when I look at them and wear them, I feel most like myself. They are the basics that I can dress up or down and they fit my lifestyle now. So, I can't promise I will downsize to a 37 piece wardrobe like Caroline, but I'll never say never.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great idea. It's good to keep items that you like the most.
