Thursday, September 24, 2015


It has been a while since I've posted on this blog. Although I'm aware not many people read it, I do it more for myself and I enjoy documenting things in a sort of online journal. The reason I logged into it tonight was because I recently realized now that wedding planning is over (never thought I would miss it, but I do!), I don't have a hobby! Like a true, all-my-own hobby. I realized this a few weeks ago when Bruce and I were asked, "So what do you do for fun! What's your hobby." Thankfully Bruce answered first and I got out of it...but I sort of panicked. Why don't I have one!?! I used to have a bunch that I loved. I actually loved making things for my wedding so much that I forgot how fun it is to create things and DIY.

ANYWAY, the moral of the story is that I'm going to make some mid-year resolutions to:
- Make something every month
- Give more gifts
- Work out more (lets be honest, work out at all) 
- Read one book per month 
- Travel more (even if its by myself)
- Spend more time with my friends and family
- Start going on more dates with my husband
- Walk the dogs more each week
- Write on this blog more
- Take photos with my good camera 

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